Balanced everyday life through
Work Life Balance
Why is work-life balance so difficult for most of us? Laszlo Bock, former head of Google People Operations, also addressed this question. Studies found that about a third of all people can cope very well with the stress at work and the growing challenge of the constant accessibility of modern communication, so-called “segmentors”. The substantial majority of two-thirds can not draw this line and we are under constant strain and on-demand. They are called “integrators”. Since this constant willingness cannot be sustained for long, if only because many private areas and goals receive too little attention as a result, various concepts have been tested to accommodate the “integrators” by actively intervening in the work-life balance. For example, employees of Google’s European headquarters in Dublin were encouraged to hand in their company mobile phones and laptops at the reception desk at the end of the day. This method alone showed good results, as these employees spent much less stressful evenings. The fact that this ultimately leads to more active employees with higher motivation and healthier emotional balance in the company, who noticeably and sustainably increase productivity, was then an easy realization.
In this coaching on Mallorca you will deal in detail with all methods and results of this study. Google is only too happy to share these findings in order to enable all entrepreneurs to integrate a balanced win-win situation into their business. Employees who perform fulfilling and affirmative work bring a company significantly more profit than stressful workers who feel out of place, unwelcome and unnoticed or on the verge of burnout. Of course, the question of how to maintain a high level of willingness and ability to perform over many years was in the background.
When the company boss says: “I want my employees to be happy and satisfied so that they stay with us and attract other employees”, it shows that they have understood how important a conscious corporate culture is.